Pregnancy and New Parents

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"Mother is a verb, not a noun.." - Irish Proverb

The physical and emotional demands of pregnancy and being a new mother can weigh heavily on a woman.  The media often portrays pregnancy and new motherhood as a time of relative bliss—we are shown a mother fantasizing about kissing little toes, overzealously eating for two while her partner gladly takes on daily responsibilities, and a gushing new mom pushing her baby emphatically in a stroller while passersby smile and wave and the baby coos.  Although you may feel happy and excited to be a mother, there are many undeniable stressors that motherhood also reveals.  In reality, this permanent life transformation, like all other life transformations, may bring on feelings of worry, anxiety, stress, confusion, regret, or ambivalence. 

Pregnancy reveals a new set of challenges for a woman.  Hormonal changes in pregnancy can lead to mood swings and emotional instability.  Early pregnancy nausea and vomiting may feel interminable and can certainly lead to feelings of depression and hopelessness.  Exhaustion may make it difficult to carry out job functions and responsibilities at home.  It is common for pregnant women to have fears about their current career paths and future career opportunities as they shift into motherhood.  Physical changes can be incredibly uncomfortable for a woman as her body transitions to become a machine whose sole purpose is to nurture the growing baby inside of her.  As this little life transpires inside of you, much of your life may feel like it is spinning out of control.

Being a new mother is also a time of many new challenges.  Caring for an infant is an around-the-clock job.  The emotional and physical demands of your baby’s feeding schedule and your lack of sleep may leave you feeling exhausted and irritable. Your relationship with your partner may also be suffering as you work to redefine your relationship in your new roles as parents. You may feel uncomfortable with your body as it can take many months to return to your pre-pregnancy weight.  Perhaps you are wondering what to do about your career or even deciding if you will return to your career.  And you may be putting pressure on yourself to be the perfect mother, even though the best of mothers make millions of mistakes!