Career Issues

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"Opportunities Don't happen, you create them." - Chris grosser

Whether you are a recent graduate on the job search, transitioning to a new career, finding your current job or career to be unsatisfying, feeling overwhelmed at work, or feel fed up with difficult coworkers or management, I can help you identify next steps to help you feel fulfilled.  Being that many people spend the majority of their waking hours working, it is vital that you are in a job or career that holds true to your passions, interests, skills, and values.  A fulfilling career is one in which you feel energized and inspired by the work you are doing and still have energy outside of your work day to nurture yourself, your family, your hobbies, and other important relationships in your life. Your relationship with your job affects all other aspects of your life - your health, your personal life, and your general sense of well-being. I will help you see that no matter where you are in your job or career, choices remain; you are never stuck.  

I have a particular interest in helping working mothers find balance between working and caring for young children without having to feel like you are forgoing one for the other.  Although difficult to foster and establish, the relationship between work and home life can be reconciled and although it can feel impossible, it is possible to feel satisfied professionally and personally with young children at home.