

"Adolescents are not monsters.  They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves."  ~Virginia Satir

Being a teen is an extremely challenging time (being the parent of a teen is also extremely challenging!).  There is no other time in life where so many changes are happening at once outwardly (physically) and inwardly (socially, emotionally, and cognitively). This is a time in life filled with unique stressors and pressures.  Identity formation takes the forefront and peer relationships become increasingly important.  School pressures are rampant and social pressures abound.  Believe it or not, the brain is not fully developed until early adulthood (mid twenties), and the part of the brain that is still developing during adolescence, the pre-frontal cortex, is responsible for impulse control and critical decision-making.  This leaves teens vulnerable to making impulsive decisions and experimenting with risky behaviors—they may not see the connection between actions taken today and consequences tomorrow! I work with parents to better understand their teen’s behavior rather than just react to it.  Understanding the developmental tasks of your adolescent will help you cope and navigate through this challenging time!  Although you may often feel unwanted and unimportant to your teen, your involvement and guidance during this phase of life are critical to your teen’s development.

I work with teens and parents of teens on a variety of issues, including:

- Anxiety or Depression

- Bullying

- Abuse

- Eating Disorders/Body Image issues

- Trauma (Rape, death of a loved one, etc.)

- Anger Management and Impulse Control

- Self-Esteem Development

- Substance Abuse

- Learning Challenges

- Self-Injurious Behavior

- Difficult Relationships (with parents and/or others)